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Home General Knowledge 11 Things You Should Always Keep in Your Car

11 Things You Should Always Keep in Your Car

Road emergencies can happen to any of us and sometimes when you are stranded by the side of the road, you might not get help that easily. So its always better to keep your car equipped. Take a look at these 11 things you should always keep in your car.


#1. A New Gas Can

Always keep a new gas can in your car for times your gas tank is going to reach empty and you don’t see a gas station nearby. However, never keep it full as that increase chances of explosion. Also make sure that the can isn’t old or worn out.

#2. Water Bottles

water bottles

A bottle of water will not just save you from thirst in case of an emergency but can also act as a comfort during run-of-the-mill problems such as repairs or if you need to cool down the engine.

#3. Traction mat

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Traction mats made of lightweight steel or plastic can help you get your car out of mud, snow or ice. Place them under the tires so that they have something to create a grip on and come out of that sticky situation.

#4. Spare tire and tire jack

Spare tire and tire jack

For the times when you car breakdown in the middle of the road, you need a spare tire in good condition. Always keep a spare tire along with a tire jack and tire iron because without them the spare time would be useless. You can also keep a sealer handy to fix a leak and manage to reach an auto shop.

#5. Jumper Cables

Jumper Cables


Dead batteries can happen to any of us so it’s always better to keep jumper cables to jump start your car. But make sure you familiarize yourself with your car’s engine. You can also keep a battery booster for emergency cases.

#6. Cash

Don’t rely too much on your credit cards. What if you have to pay toll tax, buy a snack or go to a vending machine. There might be incidents when only cash can help you out. So make sure to keep a couple of bills in your car for any emergency situation.

#7. Duct tape

You might not believe it but a duct tape can go a long way in saving your car in case of emergency. It will at least give you time to reach a repair shop while some part of your car is falling off such as side mirror or bumper.

#8. Reflective Triangles

Reflective Triangles

A couple of reflective triangles can save your already broken down car from getting another hit. Put one of them behind your car and another in front of it and another on the side of it to warn approaching drivers.

#9. Energy Bars

Having some snacks such as energy bars can help you kill hunger pangs when you are on a long drive or stranded and waiting for help to arrive.

#10. Magnetic flashlight

This will help you avoid using your phone’ flashlight thus saving its battery. You can easily secure a magnetic flashlight to your car and take care of the problem rather than worrying about dropping your phone or working with just one hand.

#11. Paper and pen

Yes you might have your cellphone but sometimes a pen and paper can help you leave reminder notes or jot down any information.

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