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Home Health Top 10 Breakfast Foods If You’re Trying To Lose Weight

Top 10 Breakfast Foods If You’re Trying To Lose Weight

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if you’re working on losing weight. Because it can set the tone for the rest of your morning and often even effect how you feel well into the afternoon, it’s critical that dieters eat the foods that will serve them best throughout their day. Finding foods that are nutrient-rich and lower in calories is your best bet, but you can read ahead for the specific foods that are recommended to help you get your day started right.

#1. Steel-cut oatmeal is a great choice.

Bowl of dry steel-cut oats with full spoon

It’s full of fiber to help you stay full and it also contains potassium, folate and omega-3 fatty acids that are important for your body’s healthy function.

#2. Grapefruit before your meal is best.

Citrus paradisi (Grapefruit, pink) white bg

It can help your body burn fat faster and stabilize blood sugar levels. The high liquid content can also help you feel full for longer, further contributing to your weight loss efforts.

#3. Blueberries are tasty sweeteners.

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They’re low in calories and make a great addition to your morning oatmeal, but studies have shown that eating them regularly can also have a major effect on your metabolism as well.

#4. Bananas will start you off right.


Particularly those that still have a little green on them because they contain high amounts of resistant starch, a carbohydrate that is healthy and that keeps you feeling full for a long time.

#5. Eggs are perfect for breakfast.


They’re a great source of lean protein and they provide a healthy dose of vitamin D, which has been shown to impact weight loss in some people.

#6. Whole-wheat bread fills you up for longer.

Whole-wheat bread

Whole-wheat bread can deliver nutrients and fiber that white bread can never offer. While you’ll still want to go easy on breads if you’re trying to lose weight, a slice of whole-wheat toast with your breakfast will help to keep you satisfied for hours.

#7. Peanut butter is a welcome weight-loss treat.


Lower-sugar peanut butter provides necessary fats without all the calories of the regular commercial varieties. The oils from peanut butter can also help with digestion, reducing bloat so that you look slimmer faster.

#8. Yummy yogurt is loaded with nutrients.


Yogurt, especially low-fat Greek yogurt, has been shown to promote weight loss thanks to the many proteins it can contain. Steer clear of the sweetened and flavored ones, however, both of which can actually contribute to weight gain.

#9. Watermelon is a sweet start to your day.


Watermelon is loaded with fiber and of course, water, which makes it a no-brainer for anyone who’s hoping to lose weight. They’ll both help you avoid snacking later on and the lycopene in watermelon can also prevent heart disease.

#10. Flaxseed is fantastic for weight loss.


Ground flaxseed on your cereal or in your morning smoothie will introduce vital omega-3 fatty acids and fiber to your diet, helping to reduce bloat and cravings for empty calories later in the day.

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