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10 Personality Traits That Determine Your Relationship

Why is it that some relationships last while some fizzle out very quick. The answer lies not in the issues of any relationship but the people concerned and their personalities. Here are 10 personality traits that can predict any relationship. Check how many you and your partner have.

#1. Contempt


This comes from being demanding in a relationship. Especially when one partner demand a lot and the other cannot meet up to all the needs of the partner. This leads to feeling of contempt and creates tension between both people.

#2. Withdrawal

Just the opposite of asking too much is not asking for anything or withdrawal. This happens when one partner feels a lack of communication or is not able to express himself/herself properly in front of their partner. As a result of withdrawal, couples usually end up drifting apart.

#3. Emotional Stability

Emotional Stability

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While there are various deal breakers for any relationship, this is one trait that can  strengthen any relationship. An emotionally stable partner not only looks out for signs of trouble but also knows how to deal with them.

#4. Growth mindset

People with growth mindsets know how much it takes to learn something new and how necessary it is to keep evolving into a better person. They seek the same in their relationship. It makes them better able to function in a relationship that will naturally change and evolve with time.

#5. Independence


People with a strong sense of independence see themselves as individuals first. They have lived a life on their own and supported themselves. When they bring this trait to their relationship, a sense of security and stability also comes along.

#6. Communicative

This is a very essential trait because without it, most relationships fail. A communicative partner has the confidence to tell you how they feel and talk about things that matter instead of bottling up feelings and letting them erupt one day. With proper communication couples can talk about things that matter most.

#7. Realist

You would want a romantic partner but it’s actually the realists who have long-term romantic relationships. Someone with a realistic perspective knows the dark-side of relationships and this is what makes them become better prepared to deal with things. This is not to say they don’t enjoy the lighter and fun moments.

#8. Self Awareness

A person who knows of his/her flaws has better chances of succeeding in his romantic relationship as this helps his/her partner to adapt and respond. And you have better chances of working it out when you both know where each others’ flaws lie.

#9. Novelty seeking

Novelty seeking

Initially, this is the one thing most couples wish for. Date someone who is constantly traveling, making new friends and trying new things. While it may work for some people, most people are not able to sustain long-term relationships as they may get bored with the relationship.

#10. Perfectionism

This can play a major spoilsport for most people who want things and relationships to go by their way. They have a set standard and things must fall into place exactly how they want.

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